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Bridge Scoring Example 2

Here we will look at another example rubber to reinforce the scoring rules. The important thing to watch in this rubber is that winning the rubber bonus doesn't guarantee that you win the rubber.

 Deal  North-South East-West
Trick Score Bonus Defeat Trick Score Bonus Defeat
1 7NT W 2201000
2 4 N 12030
3 3NT S 10030
North-South Total East-West Total
End of Match Bonus: 700 for 2-0, 500 for 2-1
NS Grand Total780 EW Grand Total1220

On hand 1, West is declarer at 7NT. He manages to take all the tricks. East-West score 220 points for the trick score (40 + 30 × 6). They score a bonus of 1000 points for making a grand slam. No overtricks are possible for a grand slam contract. 220 trick points completes a game, so a thick line is drawn below this hand. East-West are now vulnerable.

On hand 2, North is declarer at 4. She takes 11 tricks. North-South get 120 (30 × 4) trick points for making their contract. They get 30 bonus points for the overtrick. This completes a game, so again a thick line is drawn. Both partnerships are now vulnerable.

On hand 3, South is declarer at 3NT. She makes her contract with an overtrick. North-South get 100 trick points for making their contract. They get 30 points for the overtrick. This makes 2 games for North-South.

The rubber is now over. Because both sides were vulnerable at the end of the rubber, North-South win 500 points. The points are totaled. East-West have a total of 1220 points. North-South have a total of 780 points.

Note that despite winning two games and the rubber bonus, North-South do not win the rubber. East-West end up with more total points and win the rubber.